Frequently Asked Questions…
Q: Does Cheap Delete really work?
A: Yes, Cheap Delete is an extremely affective tool in removing credit challenges from your report.
Q: How much does Cheap Delete cost?
A: Cheap Delete is a results based credit service company meaning, after becoming a member for $19.95, submit a derogatory items list to Cheap Delete, and pay only $9.95 per correction or deletion, per bureau, and only after the correction or deletion has been made! We think “talk is cheap” and at Cheap Delete results are too!
Q: Why Cheap Delete?
A: As a results based credit service company, Cheap Delete puts you our valued client first. Unlike most credit service companies, our simple yet unique performance based model gives Cheap Delete the incentive to correct negative issues in the shortest time possible! No expensive set up fees, expensive consulting fees or long drawn out monthly fees….. How refreshing! As a valued Cheap Delete client if we can’t correct or delete it, you don’t pay for it! Plain and Simple!
Q: How do I get started?
A:  Easy….. Go to our “Get Started” page now, and follow the instructions. Easy step by step instructions can also be found on our How it Works page.
Q: How do I track the process?
A:  You will receive a web link allowing you 24/7 access to track the progress of your account.
Q: What is the Cheap Delete guarantee?
A:  As a Cheap Delete member you only pay for items corrected or deleted. If we can’t correct or delete an item, you don’t pay for it!
Q: Do you share my personal information?
A: Cheap Delete will never share your personal information with non affiliated companies.  Cheap Delete may at times share your information with credit service affiliates for the purpose of assisting in the removal of derogatory information from your credit report!
Q: How long does it take to raise my score?
A:  Every case varies however, most Cheap Delete clients start to see corrections or deletions within 30 – 45 days which generally translates into an improved credit score.
Q: Can I repair my own credit?
AAnyone can repair their own credit, just like anyone can represent themselves in court. The question becomes….. why would you when you can hire Cheap Delete, a professional company with proven experience and know how in getting results at an affordable price? It just doesn’t make sense not to use Cheap Delete.
Q: What items can be removed
A: Our clients often choose to dispute items they feel are inaccurate, incomplete, biased or unverifiable. 
  • Bankruptcies
  • Foreclosures
  • Repossessions
  • Judgments
  • Tax Liens
  • Collections
  • Charge-offs
  • Medical Bills
  • Late payments
  • Student Loans
  • Old Addresses
  • Inquiries
Q: Where can I get a copy of my credit report?
A: For your convenience, we have provided a link to Cheap Delete’s preferred credit monitoring services in the enrollment section.
Q: What are my responsibilities?
A: Once your account has been set up, Cheap Delete asks that you provide us with any updates from creditors, collection companies or credit bureaus in a timely manner….. We do the rest!